Milk Thistle Extract 500mg




Genologix Milk Thistle Extract acts as a hepato-protectant through a number of mechanisms. Milk Thistle has cyto-protec,ve proper,es due to its an,oxidant ac,vity and radical scavenging. It supports natural liver detoxifica,on and healthy liver func,on. Milk Thistle Extract is also used to relieve symptoms of indiges,on.

This health supplement is ideal for those with compromised liver func,on, those who are on prescrip,on medicines and those with increased alcohol intake. Genologix Milk thistle extract does not contain preserva,ves or ar,ficial addi,ves which put added strain on your liver.


  • Supports healthy liver func,on and regenera,on
  • Aids liver detoxifica,on
  • May assist in lowering LDL cholesterol levels and suppor,ng cardiovascular health
  • May help to decrease and maintain healthy blood glucose levels
  • Assists with relieving dyspepsia and indiges,on